Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Human Trafficking Focus Groups for DFW Metroplex Area

Human trafficking, or modern-day slavery, has exploded in the media as a hot-topic human rights issue. Sometimes, while listening to stories of far-away kidnappings and forced slavery, we forget how close to home these situations can become.

At any given moment there may be someone in our community who is a victim. Traffickers often target women, runaways and immigrants unfamiliar with their new home. Those smuggled into the United States may find themselves turned into trafficking victims once they have crossed the border.

During the month of August, we held two focus groups that gave us many great ideas for outreach to Human Trafficking victims in Dallas. We would love to hear more!

On the behalf of Mosaic Family Services, we would like to invite community leaders and activists to be a part of a focus group that explores the impact of human trafficking in your community, and that discusses how we can all join together to stop modern-day slavery. We wish to equip you, as a leader in your community, to help victims.

This focus group will take place on Wednesday September 24th, 2008 at 2 p.m. in the Mosaic Family Services offices.

Please call Christina Copeland at 214-821-5393 ext. 261 or email her at for more information.