Saturday, May 21, 2011

World Day for Cultural Diversity

Today is the World Day for Cultural Diversity: For Dialogue and Development. You may wonder, "how in the world do I celebrate such an occasion?" Well this year's theme is "Do one thing" for cultural diversity and inclusion. Again, this may seem very abstract, but there are some very practical, easy and FUN ways to do this in your everyday life.

Thought Starters for Individuals
(adapted from the "Do One Thing" facebook fanpage)

Show your care for diversity and tell others:
1. “Like” Mosaic, the Do One Thing Campaign or another culturally diverse organization on Facebook and start a discussion on your “wall”
2. Invite your friends to review the pages and learn more
3. Tell your Twitter followers what you are doing in support of the Do One Thing Campaign!
4. Create a 1-2 minute video and post it to our Facebook page about your “ONE thing”
5. Tell others about the Do One Thing Campaign and about Mosaic!
6. Start a conversation with a friend about any cross-cultural experiences that you've had.

Increase your awareness:
1. Take a virtual/on-line tour of a country you’ve never been to
2. Research the history or culture of another country or civilization and talk about it with your family and friends
3. Check out world events through another country’s news channel
4. Set your web browser to the international version
5. Explore art/music of a different culture

Experience another culture:
1. Visit an art exhibit/museum that reflects diverse cultures
2. Rent a movie about a different culture… with subtitles
3. Go out to a culturally diverse lunch/dinner
4. Prepare a dish that is not of your native cuisine
5. Have a potluck with your co-workers/friends that is your native cuisine
6. Learn traditional greetings/thank you’s in another language. Practice them at work and with your family
If you are in the DFW area, check out the cultural calendar for local cultural events.

Make a difference for cultural understanding and give back:
1. Make a donation to a non-profit that is meaningful to you and making a difference around the world or in your community (like MOSAIC!)

After your cultural experience or activity, feel free to share it by commenting on this wall or on our Facebook page. We would love to hear from you!

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